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100 Roses For
Your Yard
In our garden, the top performing roses include the shrub rose
Iceberg (top picture); Summer Sunshine, a yellow hybrid tea (middle
picture); Tropicana, an orange-red hybrid tea (bottom picture);
Olympiad (medium red hybrid tea), Rio Samba (yellow blend hybrid
tea), Jeanne Lajoie (climbing miniature, med. pink) and Mlle Cecile
Brunner (light pink polyantha).
But, all gardening is local. For a more thorough compilation,
noted rosarian Baldo Villegas has studied thousands of roses
throughout California, and has put together this list.
Although by no means a complete list, here are over 100 roses that
do well in the local inland valleys, especially the southern
Sacramento and northern San Joaquin valleys. Many of these roses will
thrive in foothill regions and parts of the Bay Area as well. For a
more complete guide, contact the Sacramento
Rose Society or the American Rose Society.
Thanks to rosarian Baldo
Villegas for compiling this list. Visit his website
for more about roses, including pests and diseases of the rose
by Baldo Villegas, ARS Master Consulting Rosarian,
Orangevale, CA (USDA Zone 8/9)
- (Rose variety / color / year of introduction / ARS Score, on a
scale of 1-10)
- Hybrid Teas & Grandifloras (20)
- Andrea Stelzer, light pink, 1992, n/a
- Black Magic, dark red, 2000, n/a
- Elizabeth Taylor, deep pink, 1985, 8.8
- Fragrant Cloud, orange-red, 1967, 8.1
- Gemini, pink blend, 2000, 8.1
- Gold Medal, medium yellow, 1982, 8.5
- Honor, white, 1980, 7.6
- Ingrid Bergman, dark red, 1984, 7.2
- Marilyn Monroe, apricot blend, 2000, n/a
- Moonstone, white, 1998, 8.2
- New Zealand, light pink, 1989, 7.6
- Olympiad, medium red, 1982, 8.9
- Saint Patrick, yellow blend, 1996, 8.0
- Secret, pink blend, 1992, 7.7
- Signature, deep pink, 1996, 7.7
- Stainless Steel, mauve, 1991, 7.5
- Touch of Class, orange pink, 1984, 9.2
- Tournament of Roses, medium pink, 1988, 8.0
- Veterans' Honor, medium red, 1999, 8.0
- Floribunda Roses (15)
- Betty Boop, Betty Boop spray, red blend, 1999, 8.0
- Bill Warriner, orange-pink, 1998, 8.0
- Blueberry Hill, mauve, 1999, 8.0
- Dicky, orange-pink, 1984, 8.7
- Fabulous!, white, 2000, n/a
- Glad Tiddings, dark red, 1988, 8.1
- Lady of the Dawn, light pink, 1984, 8.2
- Lavaglut, dark red, 1978, 8.8
- Margaret Merril, white, 1977, 8.4
- Pasadena Star, white, 2002, n/a
- Playboy, red blend, 1976, 8.2
- Priscilla Burton, red blend 1978, 8.6
- Sexy Rexy, medium pink, 1984, 8.9
- Showbiz, medium red, 1983, 8.5
- Sunsprite, deep yellow, 1977, 8.7
- Polyantha Roses (10)
- China Doll, medium pink 1942, 8.2
- La Marne, pink blend, 1915, 8.8
- Lovely Fairy, deep pink, 1990, n/a
- Lullaby, white, 1953, 8.7
- Margo Koster, orange blend, 1931, 7.5
- Marie Pavie, white, 1888, 8.8
- Mrs. R. M. Finch, medium pink, 1923, 8.9'
- Orange Morsdag, orange blend, 1956, 9.4
- The Fairy, light pink, 1932, 8.7
- Verdun, medium red, 1918, 8.7
- Climbing Roses (12)
- Altissimo, LCl, medium red, 1966, 8.5
- America, LCl, orange-pink, 1976, 8.4
- Candy Cane, Cl Min, pink blend, 1958, 8.2
- Dublin Bay, LCl, medium red, 1975, 8.5
- Fourth of July, LCl, red blend (striped), 1999, 8.2
- Handel, LCl, red blend, 1965, 8.1
- Jeanne Lajoie, Cl Min, medium pink, 1975, 9.3
- New Dawn, LCl, light pink, 1930, 8.5
- Pearly Gates, LCl, medium pink, 1999, 7.8
- Pierre de Ronsard (Eden Climber), LCl, pink blend, 1987,
- Rainbow's End, Cl Min, yellow blend, 1999, 7.9
- Soaring Spirits, LCl, pink blend, 2005,
- Shrub Roses (13)
- Abraham Darby, orange-pink, 1990, 7.5
- Cocktail, red blend, single, 1961, 8.3
- Gartendirektor Otto Linne, deep pink, 1934, 8.8
- Golden Celebration, deep yellow, 1993, 7.8
- Prospero, dark red, 1983, 8.6
- Raven, dark red, 1992, 7.5
- Robusta, medium red, single, 1979, 9.5
- Rockin' Robin, red blend, 1997, 7.5
- Sally Holmes, white, single, 1976, 8.9
- Sharon's Delight, white, single, 1996, 7.7
- Sunny June, deep yellow, single, 1952, 7.7
- Tamora, apricot blend, 1992, n/a
- Old Garden Roses (12)
- Baronne Prevost, Hybrid Perpetual, medium pink, 1842, 8.7
- Crested Moss, Moss, medium pink, 1827, 8.6
- Green Rose, Hybrid China, green, before 1854, 7.4
- Henri Martin, Moss, medium red, 1862, 8.7
- Marchesa Boccella, Hybrid Perpetual, medium pink, 1842,
- Mons. Tillier, Tea, orange-pink, 1891, 8.1
- Mutabilis, Hybrid China, yellow blend, 8.7
- Paul Neyron, Hybrid Perpetual, medium pink, 1859, 8.1
- Rose de Rescht, Portland, deep pink, 8.9
- Sombreuil, Cl Tea, white, 1850, 8.8
- Souvenir de la Malmaison, B, light pink, 1843, 8.7
- Yolande d'Aragon, Portland, mauve, 1843, 8.3
- Miniatures and Minifloras (20)
- Baby Ballerina, pink blend, 1997, 8.1
- Baby Love, deep yellow, single, 1992, n/a
- Black Jade, deep red, 1985, 8.2
- Butter Cream, Miniflora, light yellow, 2002, n/a
- Child's Play, pink blend, 1991, 8.0
- Dr. John Dickman, mave, 2004, n/a
- Elfinglo, mauve, 1977, 7.5
- Giggles, medium pink, 1987, 9.1
- Glowing Amber, red blend, 1996, 8.0
- Gourmet Popcorn, white, 1986, 8.7
- Hot Tamale, yellow blend, 1993, 8.2
- Irresistible, white, 1989, 9.3
- Jean Kenneally, apricot blend, 1984, 9.4
- Loving Touch, apricot blend, 1983, 8.4
- Luis Desamero, light yellow, 1989, 7.7
- Marriotta, red blend, 1998, 8.2
- Minnie Pearl, pink blend, 1982, 9.4
- Peggy "T", red bend, single, 1988, 8.5
- Pierrine, orange-pink, 1988, 9.2
- Rainbow's End, yellow blend, 1984, 8.9
- Ruby Pendant, mauve, 1979, 8.6
- Soroptimist International, pink blend, 1995, n/a
- Will-o-the-Wisp, Miniflora, pink blend, 1998, n/a
- Edited: April 18, 2008 by Baldo Villegas
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